Концерт "ВИКТОР КУРИН И ЕГО УЧЕНИКИ" Первый выпуск класса Виктора Курина в НМАУ:  Павел МИНЖУЛИН,  Владимир СИМОНЕНКО, Александр ГУРЕЦ Выпуск класса  В.Курина: сидят - Павел ЗИБРОВ, Тамара КУРИНА, Леонид МАЦИЕВСКИЙ, стоят - Леонид ЗАВИРЮХИН, Виктор КУРИН. Засл.арт.России Александр БАГМАТ - Валентин (Ш.Гуно "Фауст") Риголетто . "Геликон-опера". 2001 год. Риголетто - засл.арт.России  Александр БАГМАТ. Михаил ВИШНЯК - Туча ("Псковитянка" Н.Римского-Корсакова. Мариинский театр. 2008) Михаил ВИШНЯК - Герман (П.Чайковский "Пиковая дама")
Михаил Вишняк - Отелло. Новосибирск. Май 2009. Михаил ВИШНЯК -  Канио  в опере Р. Леонкавалло "Паяцы") Манрико - нар.арт.Украины Алесандр ГУРЕЦ. Азучена - Алла ПОЗНЯК. (Дж.Верди "Трубадур". Нацопера Украины.). Канио - нар.арт.Украины Александр ГУРЕЦ. Недда - Катерина СТРАЩЕНКО, Крестьянин - Олег СЫЧЕВ. Опера Р.Леонкавалло "Паяцы". Национальная опера Украины. Олег СЫЧЕВ - Кончак в опере "Князь Игорь" А.Бородина и дочь певца - режиссер Татьяна ЗОЗУЛЯ. Национальная опера Украины. Олег СЫЧЕВ на уроке профессора В.Н.КУРИНА. Мефистофель - солист Национальной оперы Украины Олег СЫЧЕВ. Маргарита - засл.арт.Украины Наталья КРЕЧКО  в Сцене в темнице из оп. Ш.Гуно "Фауст" . Национальная филармония Украины. 2001.
Леонид ЗАВИРЮХИН в спектакле Киевского городского оперного театра для молодежи в роли Риголетто в опере Дж.Верди "Риголетто". Дмитрий АГЕЕВ в партии Командора (В.Моцарт "Дон-Жуан". Италия. Триест) Дмитрий АГЕЕВ - Рамфис (Дж.Верди "Аида". Берлин. Штатсопера.) Дмитрий АГЕЕВ - Пимен (М.Мусоргский "Борис Годунов". Италия. Болонья) Валерий МУРГА - Дон-Жуан (В.Моцарт "Дон-Жуан") Виктор КУРИН и Валерий МУРГА во время поездки на конкурс им.Дворжака. Вдали слева - домик Петра 1 в Карловых  Варах. Чехия.  Ноябрь 1997. Владимир КАПШУК (Он-Птицелов) и Наталья КРЕЧКО (Она - Синяя Птица) в опере А.Костина "Диалоги Винченцо Галилея". Национальный дом органной и камерной музыки. 2003.
Владимир КАПШУК (Он - Птицелов) и Наталья КРЕЧКО (Она - Синяя Птица) в опере А.Костина "Диалоги Винченцо Галилея". Национальный дом органной и камерной музыки. 2003. Владимир Капшук (Париж, "Опера-Бастиль". V.Mozart "Cosi fan tutte". 2007) Владимир КАПШУК - Принц Ямадори (Дж.Пуччини "Мадам Баттерфляй", "Опера-Бастиль", 2011 Урок на рыбалке. Солист Нацоперы баритон Михаил Киришев написла на обратной  стороне этой фотографии: "С огромной благодарностью гениальному певцу, педагогу, рыбаку и человеку..." Павел ЗИБРОВ сдает государственный экзамен по сольному пению. Малый зал НМАУ им.П.И.Чайковского.


"Victor Nikolaevich, teach me to sing!"...
He wanted - the whole world must to sing.
He could sing and was able to transfer this skill to others.

It is because he no refused to help any one until the last day of life.
His last lesson he held on May 6... May 13, he was gone.

"Victor Nikolaevich, teach me to sing!" - With these words came to him everything. Students - their own and others ... Young opera singers, barely crossed the threshold of the theater - and skilled, experienced, long held the singers, when they had problems with their own students or with their same voice ... Beginners, never opens his mouth and did not utter a single note ... Came to him to learn to sing the priests and travelers, opera stars and poets-bards,doctors and members of parlament...
Who remembers Professor Kurin - knows that for him to study vocal class-room was not needed. He taught in the corridor of conservatory, and at home, in the theater, and in the country-house, and in the fishing ... It has been seven years since he died, and around the world - here and there - the words of gratitude from those who considered him their teacher ..

Among the graduates of the class of Professor VICTOR KURIN:


- Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre (Russia);
was soloist of Mariinsky Theatre

Alexander GURETS
- People's Artist of Ukraine,
soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

Joseph Kish - Artist Choir of the National Opera of Ukraine;

Michael Maciejewski - winner of international competitions, the director of the Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk"


Alexander BAGMAT
- Honored Artist of Russia,
soloist of the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theatre,
was a soloist of opera theaters Kharkov, Perm, Rostov-on-Don;

Alexander BOYKO
- winner of the international competition,
soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

- Soloist Mersin State Opera and Ballet Theatre (Mersin, Turkey),
was a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

- Soloist "Tsaritsyn opera" (Volgograd)
was a soloist of the Kiev Municipal Academic Theatre Opera and Ballet;

- People's Artist of Ukraine, a popular pop singer;

- Soloist of the Kiev Municipal Academic Theatre Opera and Ballet Theater,
was a soloist with the Romanian Opera;

Vladimir KAPSHUK
- Winner of international competitions,
soloist "Opera Bastille" (Paris, France)

- Soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine

Valeriy MURGA
- Winner of international competitions,
soloist Zurich Opera House (Zurich, Switzerland),
was a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

Vladimir SIMONENKO - Honored Artist of Ukraine,
- Soloist of the Ansamble Armed Forces of Ukraine; BASS

Dmitry AGEEV
- Winner of international competitions,
soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

- winner of the national competition, the soloist of the Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theatre,
was a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine;

- Winner of international competitions,
a soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre (Russia),
was a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine

Vladimir ZBARAZSKY - Artist Choir Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theater

Paul MINZHULIN - (died in 2003)

Leonid TISHCHENKO - Honored Artist of Ukraine,
was a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine - (died in 2004)


- Honored Artist of Ukraine, singer and choirmaster,
head of the chamber choir "Anima";

- Soloist of the St. Petersburg State Theatre of Musical Comedy,
was a soloist of the Opera Studio NMAU Tchaikovsky;


- Winner of international competitions,
soloist Wrocław Opera House (Wroclaw, Poland);

- winner of the international competition,
soloist "Artis Liberalis" (Kiev);

- Soloist of the Cultural Center of the Institute of Ukraine in the USA (New York, USA)

- Director of the State Instructional Center school of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine,
senior lecturer in music education Kiev State University of Theatre,
Film and Television im.Karpenko-Kary - (died 2012)

and many others...



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